Thursday Night Thunder

Thursday Night Thunder

Thursday Night Thunder at Go Fast Raceway

Doors will be open from 5-9pm with the first heat race at 7pm, the mains start at 8pm. Practice will be from 5-7pm or after racing depending on timing of races. We will have 1- 4 min heat & 1- 4 min main. This will be for the following classes…
Classes for Thursday:
Mod Sprint foam tire
17.5 Latemodel foam tire
13.5 Sprint rubber tire
Buggy Super Stock
Slash Modified
No additional classes will be ran on Thursdays. Hope to see everyone tonight for some racing!!
You will have the option to practice for just $10. If you want to race it is the same $10 for the first class. If you want to race more than one class it is an additional $5 for each additional class. 
Classes are subject to change depending on car count.
You will not want to miss this exciting night of racing at GFR!!
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